Chapter 16 Inference on Predictive and Causal Effects in High-Dimensional Nonlinear Models

16.1 Impact of 401(k) on Financial Wealth

As a practical illustration of the methods developed in this lecture, we consider estimation of the effect of 401(k) eligibility and participation

One can argue that eligibility for enrolling in a 401(k) plan in this data can be taken as exogenous after conditioning on a few observables of which the most important for their argument is income. The basic idea is that, at least around the time 401(k)’s initially became available, people were unlikely to be basing their employment decisions on whether an employer offered a 401(k) but would instead focus on income and other aspects of the job.

16.1.1 Data

The data set can be loaded from the hdm package for R and hdmpy for Python by typing

data <- pension 
## [1] 9915   44


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from doubleml.datasets import fetch_401K
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import hdmpy
import pyreadr
import urllib.request
import os
import warnings

rdata_read = pyreadr.read_r("./data/pension.Rdata")
# Extracting the data frame from rdata_read
data = rdata_read[ 'pension' ]
pension = data.copy()
## (9915, 44)

See the “Details” section on the description of the data set, which can be accessed by



os.system("start \"\"")
## 0

The data consist of 9,915 observations at the household level drawn from the 1991 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). All the variables are referred to 1990. We use net financial assets (net_tfa) as the outcome variable, \(Y\), in our analysis. The net financial assets are computed as the sum of IRA balances, 401(k) balances, checking accounts, saving bonds, other interest-earning accounts, other interest-earning assets, stocks, and mutual funds less non mortgage debts.

Among the \(9915\) individuals, \(3682\) are eligible to participate in the program. The variable e401 indicates eligibility and p401 indicates participation, respectively.

hist_e401 = ggplot(data, aes(x = e401, fill = factor(e401))) + 


colors = sns.color_palette()
sns.countplot(x="e401", hue = "e401" , data=data)

Eligibility is highly associated with financial wealth:

dens_net_tfa = ggplot(data, aes(x = net_tfa, color = factor(e401), fill = factor(e401)) ) + 
                    geom_density() + xlim(c(-20000, 150000)) + 


from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
figure(figsize=(8, 10), dpi=100)
sns.displot(data, x="net_tfa", hue="e401", col="e401",
                kind="kde", fill=True)

The unconditional APE of e401 is about \(19559\):

e1 <- data[data$e401==1,]
e0 <- data[data$e401==0,]
## [1] 19559


int(np.round( data[['e401', 'net_tfa']].groupby('e401').mean().diff().iloc[1, 0] ) )
## 19559

Among the \(3682\) individuals that are eligible, \(2594\) decided to participate in the program. The unconditional APE of p401 is about \(27372\):

p1 <- data[data$p401==1,]
p0 <- data[data$p401==0,]
## [1] 27372


int(np.round( data[['p401', 'net_tfa']].groupby('p401').mean().diff().iloc[1, 0]))
## 27372

As discussed, these estimates are biased since they do not account for saver heterogeneity and endogeneity of participation.

16.2 Double ML package

We are interested in valid estimators of the average treatment effect of e401 and p401 on net_tfa. To get those estimators, we use the DoubleML package that internally builds on mlr3. You find additional information on the package on the package website and the R documentation page

# installing Double ML

# loading the packages


import doubleml as dml
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV, LogisticRegressionCV
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from xgboost import XGBClassifier, XGBRegressor

As mentioned, in the tutorial we use the meta package mlr3 to generate predictions with machine learning methods. A comprehensive introduction and description of the mlr3 package is provided in the mlr3book. A list of all learners that you can use in mlr3 can be found here. The entry in the columns mlr3 Package and Packages indicate which packages must be installed/loaded in your R session.

16.3 Estimating the ATE of 401(k) Eligibility on Net Financial Assets

We first look at the treatment effect of e401 on net total financial assets. We give estimates of the ATE and ATT that corresponds to the linear model

\[\begin{equation*} Y = D \alpha + f(X)'\beta+ \epsilon, \end{equation*}\]

where \(f(X)\) includes indicators of marital status, two-earner status, defined benefit pension status, IRA participation status, and home ownership status, and orthogonal polynomials of degrees 2, 4, 6 and 8 in family size, education, age and income, respectively. The dimensions of \(f(X)\) is 25.

In the first step, we report estimates of the average treatment effect (ATE) of 401(k) eligibility on net financial assets both in the partially linear regression (PLR) model and in the interactive regression model (IRM) allowing for heterogeneous treatment effects.

I decided to low down the degree of the income variable from 8 to 6 since sklearn has some problems with values greater than float32. I can not use np.log in inc variable since it has negative values. As a result, we got a column with some None values. For more information about this problem, check this link.

# Constructing the data (as DoubleMLData)

formula_flex = "net_tfa ~ e401 + poly(age, 6, raw=TRUE) + poly(inc, 6, raw=TRUE) + poly(educ, 4, raw=TRUE) + poly(fsize, 2, raw=TRUE) + marr + twoearn + db + pira + hown"

model_flex =, pension))

x_cols = colnames(model_flex)[-c(1,2)]

data_ml_aux = DoubleMLData$new(model_flex, 
                               y_col = "net_tfa", 
                               d_cols = "e401", 

p <- dim(model_flex)[2]-2

## [1] 23
# complex model with two-way interactions
#data_interactions = fetch_401k(polynomial_features = TRUE, instrument = FALSE)


# Constructing the data (as DoubleMLData)
features = data.copy()[['marr', 'twoearn', 'db', 'pira', 'hown']]

poly_dict = {'age': 6,
             'inc': 6,
             'educ': 4,
             'fsize': 2}
for key, degree in poly_dict.items():
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree, include_bias=False)
    data_transf = poly.fit_transform(data[[key]])
    x_cols = poly.get_feature_names([key])
    data_transf = pd.DataFrame(data_transf, columns=x_cols)
    features = pd.concat((features, data_transf),
                          axis=1, sort=False)

model_flex = pd.concat((data.copy()[['net_tfa', 'e401']], features.copy()),
                        axis=1, sort=False)

x_cols = model_flex.columns.to_list()[2:]

# Initialize DoubleMLData (data-backend of DoubleML)
data_ml_aux = dml.DoubleMLData(model_flex, y_col='net_tfa', \
                           d_cols ='e401' , x_cols = x_cols)

# complex model with two-way interactions
# data_interactions
# fetch_401K( return_type  = 'DataFrame' , polynomial_features = True )

p = model_flex.shape[1] - 2
## 23
p = model_flex.shape[1] - 2
## 23

16.4 Partially Linear Regression Models (PLR)

We start using lasso to estimate the function \(g_0\) and \(m_0\) in the following PLR model:

\[\begin{eqnarray} & Y = D\theta_0 + g_0(X) + \zeta, & E[\zeta \mid D,X]= 0,\\ & D = m_0(X) + V, & E[V \mid X] = 0. \end{eqnarray}\]

# Estimating the PLR
lasso <- lrn("regr.cv_glmnet",nfolds = 5, s = "lambda.min")
lasso_class <- lrn("classif.cv_glmnet", nfolds = 5, s = "lambda.min")

dml_plr <- DoubleMLPLR$new(data_ml_aux, ml_g = lasso, ml_m = lasso_class, n_folds=3)
## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      8952       1269   7.057  1.7e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
lasso_plr <- dml_plr$coef
lasso_std_plr <- dml_plr$se


# Estimating the PLR
# Initialize learners
Cs = 0.0001*np.logspace(0, 4, 10)
lasso = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LassoCV(cv=5, max_iter=10000))
lasso_class = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(),
                            LogisticRegressionCV(cv=5, penalty='l1', solver='liblinear',
                                                 Cs = Cs, max_iter=1000))

# Initialize DoubleMLPLR model
dml_plr = dml.DoubleMLPLR(data_ml_aux,
                                ml_g = lasso,
                                ml_m = lasso_class,
                                n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_plr.DoubleMLPLR object at 0x00000000245CEAF0>
lasso_plr = dml_plr.summary.coef[0]
lasso_std_plr = dml_plr.summary['std err'][0]
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  8919.577401  1325.857662  ...  6320.944135  11518.210667
## [1 rows x 6 columns]

Let us check the predictive performance of this model.

## [1] "ml_g" "ml_m"
g_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_g) # predictions of g_o
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o


g_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_g'].flatten() # predictions of g_o
m_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o
## ['ml_g', 'ml_m']
# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y <- as.matrix(pension$net_tfa) # true observations
theta <- as.numeric(dml_plr$coef) # estimated regression coefficient
d <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 
predictions_y <- as.matrix(d*theta)+g_hat # predictions for y
lasso_y_rmse <- sqrt(mean((y-predictions_y)^2)) 
## [1] 53735.74


# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy() # true observations
theta = dml_plr.coef[ 0 ] # estimated regression coefficient
d = pension.e401.to_numpy()
predictions_y = d*theta + g_hat  # predictions for y
lasso_y_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - predictions_y ) ** 2 ) ) 
## 54342.024308477914
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
d <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 
lasso_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4443213
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3167927


# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
d = pension.e401.to_numpy()
lasso_d_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( lasso_d_rmse )
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.4585164421000309
print(np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d ))
## 0.31376701966717097

Then, we repeat this procedure for various machine learning methods.

# Random Forest


randomForest <- lrn("regr.ranger")

randomForest_class <- lrn("classif.ranger")

dml_plr <- DoubleMLPLR$new(data_ml_aux, 
                           ml_g = randomForest, 
                           ml_m = randomForest_class, 

dml_plr$fit(store_predictions=TRUE) # set store_predictions=TRUE to evaluate the model
forest_plr <- dml_plr$coef
forest_std_plr <- dml_plr$se
## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      8359       1267   6.599 4.14e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


# Random Forest
randomForest = RandomForestRegressor(
    n_estimators = 500  )

randomForest_class = RandomForestClassifier(
    n_estimators = 500 )

dml_plr = dml.DoubleMLPLR(data_ml_aux, ml_g = randomForest, \
                         ml_m = randomForest_class, n_folds = 3) # set store_predictions=TRUE to evaluate the model
## <doubleml.double_ml_plr.DoubleMLPLR object at 0x0000000064929BE0>
forest_plr = dml_plr.coef
forest_std_plr = dml_plr.summary[ 'std err' ]

##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  8702.588054  1310.423641  ...  6134.204913  11270.971196
## [1 rows x 6 columns]

We can compare the accuracy of this model to the model that has been estimated with lasso.

# Evaluation predictions
g_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_g) # predictions of g_o
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o
theta <- as.numeric(dml_plr$coef) # estimated regression coefficient
predictions_y <- as.matrix(d*theta)+g_hat # predictions for y
forest_y_rmse <- sqrt(mean((y-predictions_y)^2)) 

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
forest_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 

#### Results
## [1] 56078.76
## [1] 0.4558187
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3324256


# Evaluation predictions
g_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_g'].flatten() # predictions of g_o
m_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
theta = dml_plr.coef[ 0 ] # estimated regression coefficient
predictions_y = d*theta + g_hat # predictions for y
forest_y_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - predictions_y ) ** 2 ) ) 

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
forest_d_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )

#### Results
print( forest_y_rmse )
## 58456.527347918534
print( forest_d_rmse )
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.4659644938522823
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d )
## 0.3495713565305093
# Trees

trees <- lrn("regr.rpart")
trees_class <- lrn("classif.rpart")

dml_plr <- DoubleMLPLR$new(data_ml_aux, ml_g = trees, ml_m = trees_class, n_folds=3)
## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      8835       1317   6.708 1.98e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
tree_plr <- dml_plr$coef
tree_std_plr <- dml_plr$se

# Evaluation predictions
g_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_g) # predictions of g_o
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o
theta <- as.numeric(dml_plr$coef) # estimated regression coefficient
predictions_y <- as.matrix(d*theta)+g_hat # predictions for y
tree_y_rmse <- sqrt(mean((y-predictions_y)^2)) 
## [1] 56708.52
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
tree_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4553888
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3136662


# Trees
trees = DecisionTreeRegressor(
        max_depth=30, ccp_alpha=0.01, min_samples_split=20, \
        min_samples_leaf= np.round(20/3).astype(int))

trees_class = DecisionTreeClassifier( max_depth=30, ccp_alpha=0.01, \
                min_samples_split=20, \
                min_samples_leaf= np.round(20/3).astype(int) )

dml_plr = dml.DoubleMLPLR(data_ml_aux,
                               ml_g = trees,
                               ml_m = trees_class,
                               n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_plr.DoubleMLPLR object at 0x00000000C4DD61F0>
tree_summary = dml_plr.summary
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  8594.661891  1383.808638  ...  5882.446799  11306.876983
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
## <doubleml.double_ml_plr.DoubleMLPLR object at 0x00000000C4DD61F0>
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  8601.584926  1383.825475  ...  5889.336834  11313.833019
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
tree_plr = dml_plr.coef
tree_std_plr = dml_plr.summary[ 'std err' ]

# Evaluation predictions
g_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_g'].flatten() # predictions of g_o
m_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
theta = dml_plr.coef[ 0 ] # estimated regression coefficient
predictions_y = d*theta + g_hat # predictions for y
tree_y_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - predictions_y ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( tree_y_rmse )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 58017.721042321384
tree_d_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( tree_d_rmse )
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.4546690531536573
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d )
## 0.35269793242561776
# Boosting
boost<- lrn("regr.xgboost",objective="reg:squarederror")
boost_class <- lrn("classif.xgboost",objective = "binary:logistic",eval_metric ="logloss")

dml_plr <- DoubleMLPLR$new(data_ml_aux, ml_g = boost, ml_m = boost_class, n_folds=3)
## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      8867       1342   6.606 3.95e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
boost_plr <- dml_plr$coef
boost_std_plr <- dml_plr$se

# Evaluation predictions
g_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_g) # predictions of g_o
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_plr$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o
theta <- as.numeric(dml_plr$coef) # estimated regression coefficient
predictions_y <- as.matrix(d*theta)+g_hat # predictions for y
boost_y_rmse <- sqrt(mean((y-predictions_y)^2)) 
## [1] 59816.19
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
boost_d_rmse <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4726804
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3237519


# Boosted Trees
boost = XGBRegressor(n_jobs=1, objective = "reg:squarederror" )
boost_class = XGBClassifier(use_label_encoder=False, n_jobs=1,
                            objective = "binary:logistic", \
                            eval_metric = "logloss" )

dml_plr = dml.DoubleMLPLR( data_ml_aux ,
                                ml_g = boost,
                                ml_m = boost_class,
                                n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_plr.DoubleMLPLR object at 0x00000000C4DC2160>
boost_summary = dml_plr.summary
print( boost_summary )
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  9129.263678  1471.781415  ...  6244.625111  12013.902244
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
boost_plr = dml_plr.coef
boost_std_plr = dml_plr.summary[ 'std err' ]

# Evaluation predictions
g_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_g'].flatten() # predictions of g_o
m_hat = dml_plr.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
theta = dml_plr.coef[ 0 ]  # estimated regression coefficient
predictions_y = d*theta + g_hat # predictions for y

boost_y_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - predictions_y ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( boost_y_rmse )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 62126.68237198471
boost_d_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( boost_d_rmse )

# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.4629817464588606
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d )
## 0.33605648008068584

Let’s sum up the results:

table <- matrix(0, 4, 4)
table[1,1:4]   <- c(lasso_plr,forest_plr,tree_plr,boost_plr)
table[2,1:4]   <- c(lasso_std_plr,forest_std_plr,tree_std_plr,boost_std_plr)
table[3,1:4]   <- c(lasso_y_rmse,forest_y_rmse,tree_y_rmse,boost_y_rmse)
table[4,1:4]   <- c(lasso_d_rmse,forest_d_rmse,tree_d_rmse,boost_d_rmse)
rownames(table) <- c("Estimate","Std.Error","RMSE Y","RMSE D")
colnames(table) <- c("Lasso","Random Forest","Trees","Boosting")
tab<- xtable(table, digits = 2)
## % latex table generated in R 4.0.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
## % Wed Nov 24 15:05:32 2021
## \begin{table}[ht]
## \centering
## \begin{tabular}{rrrrr}
##   \hline
##  & Lasso & Random Forest & Trees & Boosting \\ 
##   \hline
## Estimate & 8952.25 & 8359.37 & 8834.64 & 8867.42 \\ 
##   Std.Error & 1268.61 & 1266.75 & 1317.08 & 1342.33 \\ 
##   RMSE Y & 53735.74 & 56078.76 & 56708.52 & 59816.19 \\ 
##   RMSE D & 0.44 & 0.46 & 0.46 & 0.47 \\ 
##    \hline
## \end{tabular}
## \end{table}


table = np.zeros( (4, 4) )

table[0,0:4] = lasso_plr,forest_plr[0],tree_plr[0],boost_plr[0]
table[1,0:4] = lasso_std_plr,forest_std_plr,tree_std_plr,boost_std_plr
table[2,0:4] = lasso_y_rmse,forest_y_rmse,tree_y_rmse,boost_y_rmse
table[3,0:4] = lasso_d_rmse,forest_d_rmse,tree_d_rmse,boost_d_rmse
table_pd = pd.DataFrame( table , index = ["Estimate","Std.Error","RMSE Y","RMSE D" ], \
            columns = [ "Lasso","Random Forest","Trees","Boosting"])

## '\\begin{tabular}{lrrrr}\n\\toprule\n{} &         Lasso &  Random Forest &         Trees &      Boosting \\\\\n\\midrule\nEstimate  &   8919.577401 &    8702.588054 &   8601.584926 &   9129.263678 \\\\\nStd.Error &   1325.857662 &    1310.423641 &   1383.825475 &   1471.781415 \\\\\nRMSE Y    &  54342.024308 &   58456.527348 &  58017.721042 &  62126.682372 \\\\\nRMSE D    &      0.458516 &       0.465964 &      0.454669 &      0.462982 \\\\\n\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular}\n'

The best model with lowest RMSE in both equation is the PLR model estimated via lasso. It gives the following estimate:

##     e401 
## 8952.253


## 8919.577401231152

16.5 Interactive Regression Model (IRM)

Next, we consider estimation of average treatment effects when treatment effects are fully heterogeneous:

\[\begin{eqnarray}\label{eq: HetPL1} & Y = g_0(D, X) + U, & \quad E[U \mid X, D]= 0,\\ & D = m_0(X) + V, & \quad E[V\mid X] = 0. \end{eqnarray}\]

To reduce the disproportionate impact of extreme propensity score weights in the interactive model we trim the propensity scores which are close to the bounds.



dml_irm = DoubleMLIRM$new(data_ml_aux, 
                          ml_g = lasso, 
                          ml_m = lasso_class, 
                          trimming_threshold = 0.01, 


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      7941       1106   7.177 7.15e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
lasso_irm <- dml_irm$coef
lasso_std_irm <- dml_irm$se

# predictions
## [1] "ml_g0" "ml_g1" "ml_m"
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat <- d*g1_hat+(1-d)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o


# Lasso
lasso = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LassoCV(cv=5, max_iter=20000))

# Initialize DoubleMLIRM model
dml_irm = dml.DoubleMLIRM(data_ml_aux, ml_g = lasso, ml_m = lasso_class, trimming_threshold = 0.01, n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_irm.DoubleMLIRM object at 0x00000000C4DCA070>
lasso_summary = dml_irm.summary
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  8089.763322  1270.047728  ...  5600.515516  10579.011127
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
lasso_irm = dml_irm.coef[0]
lasso_std_irm =[0]

# predictions
## ['ml_g0', 'ml_g1', 'ml_m']
g0_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o
# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y <- as.matrix(pension$net_tfa) # true observations
d <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 
lasso_y_irm <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 55439.51
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
lasso_d_irm <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4440579
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3153807


# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy() # true observations
d = pension.e401.to_numpy()
lasso_y_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 54497.27607070185
lasso_d_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( lasso_d_irm )

# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.45851619758764794
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d ) 
## 0.31376701966717097
##### forest #####

dml_irm = DoubleMLIRM$new(data_ml_aux, 
                          ml_g = randomForest, 
                          ml_m = randomForest_class, 
                          trimming_threshold = 0.01, 


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      7809       1311   5.955  2.6e-09 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
forest_irm <- dml_irm$coef
forest_std_irm <- dml_plr$se

# predictions
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat <- d*g1_hat+(1-d)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y <- as.matrix(pension$net_tfa) # true observations
d <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 
forest_y_irm <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 55502.95
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
forest_d_irm <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4559869
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3290973
##### trees #####

dml_irm <- DoubleMLIRM$new(data_ml_aux, 
                           ml_g = trees, 
                           ml_m = trees_class, 
                           trimming_threshold = 0.01, 


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      7477       1187     6.3 2.97e-10 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
tree_irm <- dml_irm$coef
tree_std_irm <- dml_irm$se

# predictions
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat <- d*g1_hat+(1-d)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y <- as.matrix(pension$net_tfa) # true observations
d <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 
tree_y_irm <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 57305.26
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
tree_d_irm <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.455894
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3135653
##### boosting #####

dml_irm <- DoubleMLIRM$new(data_ml_aux, 
                           ml_g = boost, 
                           ml_m = boost_class,
                           trimming_threshold = 0.01, 


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      8353       1228   6.803 1.03e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
boost_irm <- dml_irm$coef
boost_std_irm <- dml_irm$se

# predictions
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat <- d*g1_hat+(1-d)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_irm$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y <- as.matrix(pension$net_tfa) # true observations
d <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 
boost_y_irm <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 61055.91
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
boost_d_irm <- sqrt(mean((d-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4732346
# cross-fitted ce: treatment
mean(ifelse(m_hat > 0.5, 1, 0) != d)
## [1] 0.3234493


##### forest #####
randomForest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=500)
randomForest_class = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500)

dml_irm = dml.DoubleMLIRM(data_ml_aux,
                                 ml_g = randomForest,
                                 ml_m = randomForest_class,
                                 trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                                 n_folds = 3) store_predictions = True ) 
## <doubleml.double_ml_irm.DoubleMLIRM object at 0x0000000064929A30>
print( dml_irm.summary )
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %       97.5 %
## e401  8429.821206  1521.201806  ...  5448.320453  11411.32196
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
forest_irm = dml_irm.coef[ 0 ]
forest_std_irm =[ 0 ]

# predictions
g0_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
d = pension.e401.to_numpy()
forest_y_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( forest_y_irm )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 56839.92174410771
forest_d_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( forest_d_irm )

# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.46312674664653625
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d )

##### trees #####
## 0.33767019667170955
trees = DecisionTreeRegressor( max_depth=30, ccp_alpha=0.01, min_samples_split=20, min_samples_leaf=67)
trees_class = DecisionTreeClassifier( max_depth=30, ccp_alpha=0.01, min_samples_split=20, min_samples_leaf=34)
dml_irm = dml.DoubleMLIRM(data_ml_aux,
                                 ml_g = trees,
                                 ml_m = trees_class,
                                 trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                                 n_folds = 3) store_predictions = True ) 
## <doubleml.double_ml_irm.DoubleMLIRM object at 0x00000000C4DD63D0>
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %       97.5 %
## e401  7462.262513  1171.316712  ...  5166.523942  9758.001083
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
tree_irm = dml_irm.coef[ 0 ]
tree_std_irm =[ 0 ]

# predictions
g0_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
d = pension.e401.to_numpy()
tree_y_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( tree_y_irm )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 56517.04167292204
tree_d_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( tree_d_irm )

# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.4546690531536573
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d )

##### boosting #####
## 0.35269793242561776
boost = XGBRegressor(n_jobs=1, objective = "reg:squarederror")
boost_class = XGBClassifier(use_label_encoder=False, n_jobs=1, 
                objective = "binary:logistic", 
                eval_metric = "logloss")
dml_irm = dml.DoubleMLIRM(data_ml_aux, ml_g = boost, ml_m = boost_class, 
              trimming_threshold = 0.01, n_folds = 3) store_predictions = True ) 
## <doubleml.double_ml_irm.DoubleMLIRM object at 0x00000000C4DCA070>
print( dml_irm.summary )
##              coef      std err        t     P>|t|        2.5 %       97.5 %
## e401  9756.926817  2500.320649  3.90227  0.000095  4856.388395  14657.46524
boost_irm = dml_irm.coef[ 0 ]
boost_std_irm =[ 0 ]

# predictions
g0_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(D=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
m_hat = dml_irm.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
d = pension.e401.to_numpy()
boost_y_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( boost_y_irm )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 61594.80967416296
boost_d_irm = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - m_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( boost_d_irm )

# cross-fitted ce: treatment
## 0.46296289075787445
np.mean( ( m_hat > 0.5 ) * 1 != d ) 
## 0.33605648008068584
table <- matrix(0, 4, 4)
table[1,1:4]   <- c(lasso_irm,forest_irm,tree_irm,boost_irm)
table[2,1:4]   <- c(lasso_std_irm,forest_std_irm,tree_std_irm,boost_std_irm)
table[3,1:4]   <- c(lasso_y_irm,forest_y_irm,tree_y_irm,boost_y_irm)
table[4,1:4]   <- c(lasso_d_irm,forest_d_irm,tree_d_irm,boost_d_irm)
rownames(table) <- c("Estimate","Std.Error","RMSE Y","RMSE D")
colnames(table) <- c("Lasso","Random Forest","Trees","Boosting")
tab<- xtable(table, digits = 2)
## % latex table generated in R 4.0.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
## % Wed Nov 24 15:08:21 2021
## \begin{table}[ht]
## \centering
## \begin{tabular}{rrrrr}
##   \hline
##  & Lasso & Random Forest & Trees & Boosting \\ 
##   \hline
## Estimate & 7941.05 & 7808.95 & 7477.07 & 8353.33 \\ 
##   Std.Error & 1106.52 & 1342.33 & 1186.75 & 1227.92 \\ 
##   RMSE Y & 55439.51 & 55502.95 & 57305.26 & 61055.91 \\ 
##   RMSE D & 0.44 & 0.46 & 0.46 & 0.47 \\ 
##    \hline
## \end{tabular}
## \end{table}


table2 = np.zeros( (4, 4) )
table2[0,0:4] = lasso_irm,forest_irm,tree_irm,boost_irm
table2[1,0:4] = lasso_std_irm,forest_std_irm,tree_std_irm,boost_std_irm
table2[2,0:4] = lasso_y_irm,forest_y_irm,tree_y_irm,boost_y_irm
table2[3,0:4] = lasso_d_irm,forest_d_irm,tree_d_irm,boost_d_irm
table2_pd = pd.DataFrame( 
        table2 , 
        index = ["Estimate","Std.Error","RMSE Y","RMSE D" ], \
            columns = [ "Lasso","Random Forest","Trees","Boosting"])
## '\\begin{tabular}{lrrrr}\n\\toprule\n{} &         Lasso &  Random Forest &         Trees &      Boosting \\\\\n\\midrule\nEstimate  &   8089.763322 &    8429.821206 &   7462.262513 &   9756.926817 \\\\\nStd.Error &   1270.047728 &    1521.201806 &   1171.316712 &   2500.320649 \\\\\nRMSE Y    &  54497.276071 &   56839.921744 &  56517.041673 &  61594.809674 \\\\\nRMSE D    &      0.458516 &       0.463127 &      0.454669 &      0.462963 \\\\\n\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular}\n'

Here, Random Forest gives the best prediction rule for \(g_0\) and Lasso the best prediction rule for \(m_0\), respectively. Let us fit the IRM model using the best ML method for each equation to get a final estimate for the treatment effect of eligibility.



dml_irm = DoubleMLIRM$new(data_ml_aux, 
                          ml_g = randomForest, 
                          ml_m = lasso_class, 
                          trimming_threshold = 0.01, 


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## e401      8286       1118   7.411 1.25e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
best_irm <- dml_irm$coef
best_std_irm <- dml_irm$se



dml_irm = dml.DoubleMLIRM(data_ml_aux,
                          ml_g = randomForest,
                          ml_m = lasso_class,
                          trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                          n_folds = 3) 
## <doubleml.double_ml_irm.DoubleMLIRM object at 0x000000000C648C10>
print( dml_irm.summary )
##              coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## e401  8403.399751  1348.088788  ...  5761.194279  11045.605224
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
best_irm = dml_irm.coef[0]
best_std_irm =[0]

These estimates that flexibly account for confounding are substantially attenuated relative to the baseline estimate (19559) that does not account for confounding. They suggest much smaller causal effects of 401(k) eligiblity on financial asset holdings.

16.6 Local Average Treatment Effects of 401(k) Participation on Net Financial Assets

16.7 Interactive IV Model (IIVM)

Now, we consider estimation of local average treatment effects (LATE) of participation with the binary instrument e401. As before, \(Y\) denotes the outcome net_tfa, and \(X\) is the vector of covariates. Here the structural equation model is:

\[\begin{eqnarray} & Y = g_0(Z,X) + U, &\quad E[U\mid Z,X] = 0,\\ & D = r_0(Z,X) + V, &\quad E[V\mid Z, X] = 0,\\ & Z = m_0(X) + \zeta, &\quad E[\zeta \mid X] = 0. \end{eqnarray}\]

# Constructing the data (as DoubleMLData)

formula_flex2 = "net_tfa ~ p401+ e401 + 
                poly(age, 6, raw=TRUE) + 
                poly(inc, 6, raw=TRUE) + 
                poly(educ, 4, raw=TRUE) + 
                poly(fsize, 2, raw=TRUE) + 
                marr + twoearn + db + 
                pira + hown"

model_flex2 =, data))

x_cols = colnames(model_flex2)[-c(1,2,3)]

data_IV_aux = DoubleMLData$new(model_flex2, y_col = "net_tfa", d_cols = "p401", z_cols ="e401",x_cols=x_cols)


# Constructing the data (as DoubleMLData)
features = data.copy()[['marr', 'twoearn', 'db', 'pira', 'hown']]
poly_dict = {'age': 6, 'inc': 6, 'educ': 4, 'fsize': 2}
for key, degree in poly_dict.items():
    poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree, include_bias=False)
    data_transf = poly.fit_transform(data[[key]])
    x_cols = poly.get_feature_names([key])
    data_transf = pd.DataFrame(data_transf, columns=x_cols)    
    features = pd.concat((features, data_transf),
                          axis=1, sort=False)
model_flex2 = pd.concat((data.copy()[['net_tfa', 'p401' , 'e401']], features.copy()),
                        axis=1, sort=False)
x_cols = model_flex2.columns.to_list()[3:]
# Initialize DoubleMLData (data-backend of DoubleML)
data_IV_aux = dml.DoubleMLData(model_flex2, y_col='net_tfa', \
                               d_cols ='p401' , z_cols = 'e401' , \
                               x_cols = x_cols)


dml_MLIIVM = DoubleMLIIVM$new(data_IV_aux, 
                              ml_g = lasso, 
                              ml_m = lasso_class, 
                              ml_r = lasso_class, 
                              subgroups = list(always_takers = FALSE, 
                                          never_takers = TRUE))


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## p401     11484       1596   7.195 6.25e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
lasso_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$coef
lasso_std_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$se


# Lasso
lasso = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LassoCV(cv=5, max_iter=20000))

# Initialize DoubleMLIRM model
dml_MLIIVM = dml.DoubleMLIIVM(data_IV_aux, 
                ml_g = lasso, 
                ml_m = lasso_class,
        ml_r = lasso_class,
        subgroups = {'always_takers': False,
                    'never_takers': True},
        trimming_threshold = 0.01,
        n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_iivm.DoubleMLIIVM object at 0x00000000614DAF70>
print( dml_MLIIVM.summary )
##               coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## p401  11764.551405  1842.601194  ...  8153.119428  15375.983383
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
lasso_MLIIVM = dml_MLIIVM.coef[ 0 ]
lasso_std_MLIIVM =[ 0 ]

The confidence interval for the local average treatment effect of participation is given by

dml_MLIIVM$confint(level = 0.95)
##         2.5 %   97.5 %
## p401 8356.038 14612.92


##             2.5 %        97.5 %
## p401  8153.119428  15375.983383

Here we can also check the accuracy of the model:

# variables
y <- as.matrix(pension$net_tfa) # true observations
d <- as.matrix(pension$p401) 
z <- as.matrix(pension$e401) 

# predictions
## [1] "ml_g0" "ml_g1" "ml_m"  "ml_r0" "ml_r1"
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(z=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(z=1, X)
g_hat <- z*g1_hat+(1-z)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r0) # predictions of r_0(z=0, X)
r1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r1) # predictions of r_0(z=1, X)
r_hat <- z*r1_hat+(1-z)*r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o


# variables
y = pension.net_tfa.to_numpy()
d = pension.p401.to_numpy()
z = pension.e401.to_numpy()

# predictions
print( dml_MLIIVM.params_names )
## ['ml_g0', 'ml_g1', 'ml_m', 'ml_r0', 'ml_r1']
g0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r0'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=0, X)
r1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r1'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=1, X)
r_hat = z * r1_hat + (1 - z) * r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_odml_MLIIVM.confint()
# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
lasso_y_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 55439.51
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
lasso_d_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((d-r_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.2730651
# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
lasso_z_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((z-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4440579


# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
lasso_y_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( lasso_y_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 54127.27882639754
lasso_d_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - r_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( lasso_d_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
## 0.2786204170023307
lasso_z_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( z - m_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( lasso_z_MLIIVM )
## 0.45851619758764794

Again, we repeat the procedure for the other machine learning methods:

### random forest ###



dml_MLIIVM = DoubleMLIIVM$new(data_IV_aux, 
                              ml_g = randomForest, 
                              ml_m = randomForest_class, 
                              ml_r = randomForest_class, 
                              subgroups = list(always_takers = FALSE, 
                                         never_takers = TRUE))


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## p401     12386       1861   6.655 2.84e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
forest_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$coef
forest_std_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$se

# predictions

g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(Z=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(Z=1, X)
g_hat <- z*g1_hat+(1-z)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r0) # predictions of r_0(Z=0, X)
r1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r1) # predictions of r_0(Z=1, X)
r_hat <- z*r1_hat+(1-z)*r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
forest_y_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 55894.92
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
forest_d_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((d-r_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.281485
# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
forest_z_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((z-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4558207
### trees ###

dml_MLIIVM = DoubleMLIIVM$new(data_IV_aux, 
                              ml_g = trees, 
                              ml_m = trees_class, 
                              ml_r = trees_class, 
                              subgroups = list(always_takers = FALSE, 
                                         never_takers = TRUE))


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## p401     11341       1719   6.596 4.23e-11 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
tree_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$coef
tree_std_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$se

# predictions
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(Z=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(Z=1, X)
g_hat <- z*g1_hat+(1-z)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r0) # predictions of r_0(Z=0, X)
r1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r1) # predictions of r_0(Z=1, X)
r_hat <- z*r1_hat+(1-z)*r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
tree_y_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 58138.87
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
tree_d_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((d-r_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.2780659
# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
tree_z_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((z-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4556836
### boosting ###

dml_MLIIVM = DoubleMLIIVM$new(data_IV_aux, 
                              ml_g = boost, 
                              ml_m = boost_class, 
                              ml_r = boost_class,
                              subgroups = list(always_takers = FALSE, 
                                         never_takers = TRUE))

## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## p401     12529       1822   6.878 6.08e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
boost_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$coef
boost_std_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$se

# predictions
g0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g0) # predictions of g_0(Z=0, X)
g1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_g1) # predictions of g_0(Z=1, X)
g_hat <- z*g1_hat+(1-z)*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r0) # predictions of r_0(Z=0, X)
r1_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_r1) # predictions of r_0(Z=1, X)
r_hat <- z*r1_hat+(1-z)*r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat <- as.matrix(dml_MLIIVM$predictions$ml_m) # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
boost_y_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 61377.34
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
boost_d_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((d-r_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.2897971
# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
boost_z_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((z-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4726815


### random forest ###
randomForest = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=500)
randomForest_class = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500)
dml_MLIIVM = dml.DoubleMLIIVM(data_IV_aux,
                                  ml_g = randomForest,
                                  ml_m = randomForest_class,
                                  ml_r = randomForest_class,
                                  subgroups = {'always_takers': False,
                                             'never_takers': True},
                                  trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                                  n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_iivm.DoubleMLIIVM object at 0x0000000064929880>
print( dml_MLIIVM.summary )
##               coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## p401  11823.312322  2162.030668  ...  7585.810079  16060.814565
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
forest_MLIIVM = dml_MLIIVM.coef[ 0 ]
forest_std_MLIIVM =[ 0 ]

# predictions
g0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r0'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=0, X)
r1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r1'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=1, X)
r_hat = z * r1_hat + (1 - z) * r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
forest_y_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( forest_y_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 57014.35978884377
forest_d_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - r_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( forest_d_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
## 0.28397007364006993
forest_z_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( z - m_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( forest_z_MLIIVM )

### trees ###
## 0.46312674664653625
dml_MLIIVM = dml.DoubleMLIIVM(data_IV_aux,
                                  ml_g = trees,
                                  ml_m = trees_class,
                                  ml_r = trees_class,
                                  subgroups = {'always_takers': False,
                                             'never_takers': True},
                                  trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                                  n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_iivm.DoubleMLIIVM object at 0x00000000649291F0>
print( dml_MLIIVM.summary )
##               coef      std err  ...        2.5 %        97.5 %
## p401  10652.033245  1665.615224  ...  7387.487395  13916.579095
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
tree_MLIIVM = dml_MLIIVM.coef[ 0 ]
tree_std_MLIIVM =[ 0 ]

# predictions
g0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r0'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=0, X)
r1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r1'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=1, X)
r_hat = z * r1_hat + (1 - z) * r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
tree_y_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( tree_y_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 56317.410732152974
tree_d_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - r_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( tree_d_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
## 0.278215621782697
tree_z_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( z - m_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( tree_z_MLIIVM )

### boosting ###
## 0.4546690531536573
dml_MLIIVM = dml.DoubleMLIIVM(data_IV_aux,
                                  ml_g = boost,
                                  ml_m = boost_class,
                                  ml_r = boost_class,
                                  subgroups = {'always_takers': False,
                                             'never_takers': True},
                                  trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                                  n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_iivm.DoubleMLIIVM object at 0x000000000C669B20>
print( dml_MLIIVM.summary )
##               coef      std err         t     P>|t|        2.5 %        97.5 %
## p401  13593.184614  3490.834608  3.893964  0.000099  6751.274506  20435.094721
boost_MLIIVM = dml_MLIIVM.coef[ 0 ]
boost_std_MLIIVM =[ 0 ]

# predictions
g0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g0'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=0, X)
g1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_g1'].flatten() # predictions of g_0(z=1, X)
g_hat = d * g1_hat + ( 1 - d )*g0_hat # predictions of g_0
r0_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r0'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=0, X)
r1_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_r1'].flatten() # predictions of r_0(z=1, X)
r_hat = z * r1_hat + (1 - z) * r0_hat # predictions of r_0
m_hat = dml_MLIIVM.predictions['ml_m'].flatten() # predictions of m_o

# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
boost_y_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( boost_y_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 61407.11615253673
boost_d_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - r_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( boost_d_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
## 0.2960100530837048
boost_z_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( z - m_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( boost_z_MLIIVM )
## 0.46296289075787445
# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
lasso_y_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((y-g_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 61377.34
# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
lasso_d_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((d-r_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.2897971
# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
lasso_z_MLIIVM <- sqrt(mean((z-m_hat)^2)) 
## [1] 0.4726815


# cross-fitted RMSE: outcome
lasso_y_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( y - g_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( lasso_y_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: treatment
## 61407.11615253673
lasso_d_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( d - r_hat ) ** 2 ) )
print( lasso_d_MLIIVM )

# cross-fitted RMSE: instrument
## 0.2960100530837048
lasso_z_MLIIVM = np.sqrt( np.mean( ( z - m_hat ) ** 2 ) ) 
print( lasso_z_MLIIVM )
## 0.46296289075787445
table <- matrix(0, 5, 4)
table[1,1:4]   <- c(lasso_MLIIVM,forest_MLIIVM,tree_MLIIVM,boost_MLIIVM)
table[2,1:4]   <- c(lasso_std_MLIIVM,forest_std_MLIIVM,tree_std_MLIIVM,boost_std_MLIIVM)
table[3,1:4]   <- c(lasso_y_MLIIVM,forest_y_MLIIVM,tree_y_MLIIVM,boost_y_MLIIVM)
table[4,1:4]   <- c(lasso_d_MLIIVM,forest_d_MLIIVM,tree_d_MLIIVM,boost_d_MLIIVM)
table[5,1:4]   <- c(lasso_z_MLIIVM,forest_z_MLIIVM,tree_z_MLIIVM,boost_z_MLIIVM)
rownames(table) <- c("Estimate","Std.Error","RMSE Y","RMSE D","RMSE Z")
colnames(table) <- c("Lasso","Random Forest","Trees","Boosting")
tab<- xtable(table, digits = 2)
## % latex table generated in R 4.0.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
## % Wed Nov 24 15:13:38 2021
## \begin{table}[ht]
## \centering
## \begin{tabular}{rrrrr}
##   \hline
##  & Lasso & Random Forest & Trees & Boosting \\ 
##   \hline
## Estimate & 11484.48 & 12385.92 & 11340.90 & 12529.11 \\ 
##   Std.Error & 1596.17 & 1861.19 & 1719.41 & 1821.69 \\ 
##   RMSE Y & 61377.34 & 55894.92 & 58138.87 & 61377.34 \\ 
##   RMSE D & 0.29 & 0.28 & 0.28 & 0.29 \\ 
##   RMSE Z & 0.47 & 0.46 & 0.46 & 0.47 \\ 
##    \hline
## \end{tabular}
## \end{table}


table3 = np.zeros( (5, 4) )
table3[0,0:4] = lasso_MLIIVM,forest_MLIIVM,tree_MLIIVM,boost_MLIIVM
table3[1,0:4] = lasso_std_MLIIVM,forest_std_MLIIVM,tree_std_MLIIVM,boost_std_MLIIVM
table3[2,0:4] = lasso_y_MLIIVM,forest_y_MLIIVM,tree_y_MLIIVM,boost_y_MLIIVM
table3[3,0:4] = lasso_d_MLIIVM,forest_d_MLIIVM,tree_d_MLIIVM,boost_d_MLIIVM
table3[4,0:4] = lasso_z_MLIIVM,forest_z_MLIIVM,tree_z_MLIIVM,boost_z_MLIIVM
table3_pd = pd.DataFrame( table3 , 
                  index = ["Estimate","Std.Error","RMSE Y","RMSE D","RMSE Z" ], \
                columns = [ "Lasso","Random Forest","Trees","Boosting"])

## '\\begin{tabular}{lrrrr}\n\\toprule\n{} &         Lasso &  Random Forest &         Trees &      Boosting \\\\\n\\midrule\nEstimate  &  11764.551405 &   11823.312322 &  10652.033245 &  13593.184614 \\\\\nStd.Error &   1842.601194 &    2162.030668 &   1665.615224 &   3490.834608 \\\\\nRMSE Y    &  61407.116153 &   57014.359789 &  56317.410732 &  61407.116153 \\\\\nRMSE D    &      0.296010 &       0.283970 &      0.278216 &      0.296010 \\\\\nRMSE Z    &      0.462963 &       0.463127 &      0.454669 &      0.462963 \\\\\n\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular}\n'

We report results based on four ML methods for estimating the nuisance functions used in forming the orthogonal estimating equations. We find again that the estimates of the treatment effect are stable across ML methods. The estimates are highly significant, hence we would reject the hypothesis that the effect of 401(k) participation has no effect on financial health.

We might rerun the model using the best ML method for each equation to get a final estimate for the treatment effect of participation:

dml_MLIIVM = DoubleMLIIVM$new(data_IV_aux, 
                              ml_g = randomForest, 
                              ml_m = lasso_class, 
                              ml_r = lasso_class,
                              subgroups = list(always_takers = FALSE, 
                                         never_takers = TRUE))


## [1] "Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables"
##      Estimate. Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## p401     11984       1612   7.433 1.06e-13 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
best_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$coef
best_std_MLIIVM <- dml_MLIIVM$se

::: {.column width=“1%” datI a-latex=“{0.04}”}  

# Random best
dml_MLIIVM = dml.DoubleMLIIVM(data_IV_aux,
                                  ml_g = randomForest,
                                  ml_m = lasso_class,
                                  ml_r = lasso_class,
                                  subgroups = {'always_takers': False,
                                             'never_takers': True},
                                  trimming_threshold = 0.01,
                                  n_folds = 3)
## <doubleml.double_ml_iivm.DoubleMLIIVM object at 0x000000000C654A00>
print( dml_MLIIVM.summary )
##               coef      std err  ...       2.5 %        97.5 %
## p401  12220.624723  1957.387719  ...  8384.21529  16057.034157
## [1 rows x 6 columns]
best_MLIIVM = dml_MLIIVM.coef[ 0 ]
best_std_MLIIVM =[ 0 ]
